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About Peter Walker

Peter Walker is British and also speaks fluent German. He was raised in Brentwood, Essex and later went through Rudolf Steiner education and then Watford College in the UK. He moved to Cologne, Germany in 1978 and worked for Ford Motor Company there, for 26 years - primarily in product development. He went full-time self-employed in 2006 and has been ever since. He spent 8 years as a trainer for Dale Carnegie Training in Cologne. He now runs various activities including the Rife Forum, Forums.Group, Grayfield Optical, Star Trek New Voyages, the Hydration App and now the GESARA Show.
As a computer programmer, he learnt how to deeply analyse problems to discover how to solve them. He discovered that these abilities are also useful in fact-checking hews and events which he started back in 1994 with his research into Royal Raymond Rife and the politics of Medicine. He expanded that research into politics after deeply analysing the events of 9/11 and never stopped.
He started researching NESARA/GESARA on July 16, 2021, when he started the NESARA GESARA QFS channel on Telegram, primarily just as a place to keep his research. Others noticed his non-commercial channel and it slowly grew organically. Part of his research included following Dr. Charlie Ward. When Charlie's team split from Jimmy, they had serious technical problems as Jimmy had handled most of the technical stuff and refused to pass it on. Peter hearing about this, decided to offer his technical assistance from January 2022 and spent hundreds of hours helping them recover, handling the video editing and release of the Insider Club, restored their video archives, provided technical support to the users and lots more. It was then that the idea came up to start a new show to allow the members of the Insider Club to ask questions and have them answered. Peter Walker was tasked with designing and presenting the show named "After Party". The first show got mixed up due to technical limitations and this is when Peter teamed up with Billy and it was decided to run the show, together. Their first show together was on February 19, 2022 and it was an immediate success with the members. They continued for several weeks, yet Charlie's team decided they wanted David to take over the show, which was later discontinued.
Peter and Billy saw that they were being ejected from the show, so they decided to go it alone and that is when the GESARA Show was born, with the first show just one week after their final After Party. After just over a year, Billy decided to move on to another project of his own and Peter is now continuing to run the GESARA Show on his own, yet later with a new American Co-Host called Kirsten, followed by Lizzy Pip and now Barbara.
He often states that his wide range of work and interests are now combined to be ideal for his work on the GESARA Show. Peter is married to his German wife Stefanie and is known to his friends for his positive attitude, to life and his quick-witted humour.