About Us > Donate
Donate to the GESARA Show
Peter works hard on a shoestring budget to bring you the GESARA Show. While the production costs are covered by the subscriptions, we are sometimes asked if it is possible to donate via PayPal or Credit Card. We have therefore setup this page to enable you to do just that. We thank-you for your support and any donations help us greatly to cover any personal costs or needs.

Peter Walker is the host of the GESARA Show. He is responsible for the running of the show and has created two supporting websites (gesarashow.com and nesara-gesara-qfs.com), two supporting Telegram channels (https://t.me/GESARAShow and https://t.me/NESARA_GESARA_QFS) as well as channels on BitChute and Rumble. Just editing and releasing the recordings of the show takes up a lot of his time along with fact-checking, preparing the UCC1-308 training, answering questions and a lot more behind the scenes. He has been doing this tirelessly for a over two years to guide people through the GCR and NESARA/GESARA process.
To donate, either use the PayPal link (preferred), or to donate via Credit Card, chose your currency or scan the QR-Code to pay on your phone or tablet.
If you are donating for a specific cause, then please state this in the comments when paying by credit card.
We thank you on behalf of Peter.
Donate via PayPal
Donate in Dollars, Pounds or Euros via Credit Card