Getting Started - The GESARA Show

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Getting Started on the GESARA Show
The GESARA Show is similar to Charlie Ward's After Party. In fact, Peter was one of the original hosts of the After Party before David Mahoney took it over before it was discontinued.

On this page, we will explain how to sign up to be able to take part in the live GESARA Shows, usually every Wednesday and Sunday, and if you cannot take part in the live shows, watch the recordings.

In order to take part in our live shows, you will need to install Zoom on your Computer, Tablet or Smartphone

How to Subscribe to The GESARA Show

How to join our Live Shows:

  • We will automatically send you an email with the Zoom link shortly before each show. You can also get the link from our forum.

  • At the appropriate time, click on the link to start Zoom and join the show. You will be put in a waiting room until the show starts.

  • During the show, please keep your microphone off until it is your time to speak. Use the "Raise Hand" feature under "Reactions" to signify you wish to speak.

How to watch the recordings of our shows.

After each show, the show has to be edited, indexed and released. This usually takes 2 days, although we mostly release the show the following day on the following platforms in this order:

How Much Does It Cost?

There are two levels of subscription:

Live and Recorded Webinars (Payable in USD, GBP and Euro using PayPal)

Access to all live webinars for the subscribed period, usually two live webinars a week at the advertised times. Allows you to join our live webinars as they happen, and see the recordings earlier than the public release. Access to UCC Trainings that are for Subscribers, only.

$10.00 USD / 1 month
$26.00 USD / 3 months
$52.00 USD / 6 months
$99.00 USD / 1 year

Recorded Webinars ONLY

This gives you access to the GESARA Talk Show webinar recordings, but not access to the live events or UCC Training Videos. Choose this if you just need access to the recordings, and do not plan to attend the live events. Recordings are usually available 1-2 days after broadcast.

$2.00 USD / 1 month
$5.00 USD / 3 months
$10.00 USD / 6 months
$18.00 USD / 1 year
What is the GESARA Talk Show?
It is a twice weekly light-hearted Zoom podcast with Peter Walker and his co-hosts on the latest news about NESARA, GESARA, QFS, the Global Currency Reset. Other regular topics discussed are common law, UCC1-308 Birth Certificate Trusts and also features their regular guest, the Galactic Alliance Diplomat called Ashtara for spiritual matters. Specials have covered specific topics like Titanic (, 9-11 (, Magna Carta ( and much more.

What is the Tone of the Show?
The host Peter Walker, is known for his knowledge and humour and ensures that the show is light hearted, family friendly, yet well-informed. He is a fact-checker that researches the topics discussed from multiple sources to ensure the infos are well-balanced and as accurate as possible. His aim is to end the show with everybody happy and enlightened. The live audience come from all over the world making the show generally international.

Why are the shows so long, is that not off-putting?
The shows are between 3-4 hours in length and generally in 4 sections:

Part 1 discusses current affairs and what is happening that is of interest.

Part 2 is the more formal GESARA News that updates you on the latest events.

Part 3 is the Q&A section where viewers of the live show can have their say and ask questions.

Part 4 discusses spiritual aspects with the galactic diplomat Ashtara. Many say this is the most interesting part.

As our recordings are indexed and searchable (, there is no need to watch the entire show, you can just read through the index and selectively watch the topics that interest you.
Outside the show, you can also discuss the topics on our Telegram channel  ( in our online forum. (

How is it financed?
The show is entirely financed through subscriptions with no third party sponsors or advertisers. This keeps the show independent and honest. Subscribing entitles you to take part in the live shows (generally Wednesdays and Sundays), where you can ask your questions or give your comments during the show. Subscribers can usually see the recording of the show within hours while the public release is usually 2-3 days later when the final edit is completed.
UCC1-308 Training ( is available exclusively to subscribers.

Subscribers can also view the show with captions, and the chat is displayed on screen as well. The subscription fees are low at $10 month, $26 quarter, $52 half-yearly or $99 year.

Come and join our growing community of informed truthers that many say is the best podcast on the topics and one of the only ones you can take part in, yourself.

Release Schedule
Release Comparison
Full Release
Released Next Day

When Possible

Editing Required
Enhanced Edited Version,
2-3 Days Later
Intro with content summary
Minimal Infos
Music plus summary
Closed Captions
(Vimeo, Rumble)

English & German
Index of topics covered,
for reference

Parts 1-4, only
Detailed and searchable
Released to Subscribers
Next Day

2-3 Days Later
Released on BitChute
(without Captions)


2-3 Days Later
Released on Rumble
(with Captions)

2-3 Days Later
Released on Telegram
(without Captions)


2-3 Days Later
Public release of show?
On Forum for subscribers only.

Released to public
with final edit (2 days)
Our Websites
This is our main showcase website where you will find:

This was the original website of the show and it is based on a phpBB online forum. It requires a seperate login:

Our Telegram Channels   -   The GESARA Show

This is where the episodes of the GESARA Show are originally announced and released.   -   NESARA GESARA QFS

This was our first and oldest channel where we release news items related to NESARA/GESARA, the QFS (Quantum Financial System), and other items like COVID news, etc. This channel was originally setup by Peter Walker as a place to release his research into the NESARA/GESARA, etc. on July 16, 2021 - a long time before it was considered to start any kind of show. GESARA Shows are also released on this channel.

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