UCC1-308 Training - The GESARA Show

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UCC1-308 Training
Unified Commercial Code 1-308 allows you to take control of your legal fiction name (MR. JOHN FRED DOE©™) by moving it and your assetts into the Cestui Que Vie Account setup with your birth Certificate.

With this training, you learn how to file for your UCC1-308 Trust and send the notices needed to complete the process.

This training is available exclusively to the paid subscribers of our show.

See our UCC1-308 Special for full details about this.

When your parents registered your birth certificate, a Cestui Que Vie Trust fund was created and $11.5 million was paid into that trust from the respective trust funds of each parent, without their knowledge. Over the years, that trust fund was traded and its value may have increased substantially, yet most of us are not told about it and are treated as debtors all our lives.
Legally, we are "Strawmen" - persons lost at sea and declared to be dead - and have our assetts controlled by others on our behalf, until we declare that we are alive through the UCC1-308 process.

When you ask for a bank loan, the bank simply takes the money from your trust fund, using your signature, and "loan" you your own money. They are reimbursed in full within 90 days, yet expect you to pay them back as well with interest.

By going through the UCC1-308 process, you can declare yourself to be alive and authorised representative of your trust account. You can pay off any debts and buy things like cars or houses from your trust account. You can take control of your life and have the funds to do it.

Depending on how fast you work and how actively you learn the process, it will take 2 - 4 months or more, before you are fully authorised to represent your trust. There is quite a lot to learn, documents to submit, notices to send and finally a public statement to be made. Our online training will guide you through the entire process.

If order to take part in our training, you need to be a full subscriber to the GESARA Show, as otherwise you will not be able to view our training videos, etc,
The charge is low at $20 for 3 months membership. This also allows you to take part in our live shows.

Then you have various books and stamps to buy, letters to write via registered mail, etc. You should set aside at least $500 in costs and many hours of your time.

NO, we do not have the manpower nor desire to do the work on your behalf. This is a guided DIY process and we povide the training and the tools you need, but you will have to invest your own time and energy to complete this process.

There are companies that will provide a full service for you, and they will charge you many thousands for the privilege. If you are not prepared to do the work yourself, and money is not the concern, this could be an option.

Contact us to learn more about such options.

You can watch the first five videos on this website.

To watch the rest and continue with this process, you need to first become a registered member of our NESARA, GESARA, QFS forum, and subscribe to the GESARA Show.

Click on the Forum button to be taken there.

Once registered, use the Subscription link to subscribe to the GESARA Show.

Once subscribed, you will have full access to our series of training videos and watching them is required to learn how to proceed.

Yes, you can use our forum to ask questions and learn from others. Subcription to our show is required to take part in the UCC1-308 Training forum.

Unfortunately not, the forum has its own user membership system and gesarashow.com is a totally different system and they are not linked.

You will need to register seperately on both to have full access to the training materials.

You can register the same username and password on both systems if you wish, but there is no automatic syncing of user data.

Yes, once you have gone through the training videos 1-5 and prepared your documents, according to our instructions, you can apply for a filing appointment to be guided through the Filing Process. These appointments are limited to 10 people and we can check your documents and answer questions during the process.

This is necessary to help ensure that no mistakes are made during the all-important UCC1-308 Filing.

We ask for a donation for our time and you will be charged $25 by the filing authority.

If you are a full subscriber and ready for your appointment, you can book an appointment here.

For the various documents you need to submit, you will need a series of stamps (and optionally an embossing machine) to document your new legal-status.

They can be ordered from this website, once you have completed the filing process.

We are aware of the fact that there are a number of vendors charging many thousands to learn how to file for the UCC1-308 process.

We however follow the Magna Carta whose clauses state:

(39) No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land.

(40) To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice

We therefore only charge a legitimate subscription to watch our GESARA Show and simply request donations towards our costs to offer this training, as selling this training would be a breech of clause 40.

At the age of 65, you can apply for full access to the In/Out Ledger of your CESTUI QUE VIE trust fund.

This means, that you will have easier access to the funds in your trust and live a very confortable retirement, even if you did not have any other savings.

This is only possible AFTER you have completed the entire UCC1-308 process and there are no short-cuts.

Only then, can we advise you how to gain access to your ledger.

Unified Commercial Code (UCC) is the legal basis for trade between countries and is part of the official legal system. All courts and countries have to abide by these laws in order to trade with each other.

UCC1-308 is a well hidden part of their legal system and is deliberately being hidden from us, so that those in the known can plunder your trust funds.

It is perfectly legal to make use of UCC1-308 and it is valid world-wide.

It is the bankers and governments that have been scamming us all our lives, by keeping the knowledge of this secret and misleading us into thinking we are poor.

They do not like it, when people learn about UCC1-308, yet it is perfectly legal and is used by most elites, prveledged bankers and top government officials. Everypone else is in their eys a debt-slave.

We believe everyone should have this opportunity.

That is a good question, as the that act may very well supercede most needs to file for UCC1-308. However, as we do not know whrn NESARA/GESARA will take affect, filing for UCC1-308 does still make sense if you seek protection from foreclosure, etc.

We have currently paused our filing appointments, yet if you have an urgent need, ülease contact us.
Forum and gesara-show Membership
gesara-show.com (this website) and nesara-gesara-qfs.com (our forum) are linked together, yet have separate logins. As their software systems are very different, the user databases are not connected. Even if you have an account on our forum, you still need to register a new account on this website as well and vice-versa. You can use the same username and password if you wish, yet you will still need to register on both websites.

To see the UCC1-308 resourses on this website, please register a new account...
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