Shows - The GESARA Show

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Watching the Show
With more than 150 shows already released, how can you watch the GESARA Show?

The GESARA Show is financed entirely through subscriptions, as we wish to remain independent and not interrupt our shows to advertise products. For this reason, our shows are available to our subscribers first and some shows are ONLY available to our subscribers. Luckily, we have been able to keep our subscription fees very affordable, starting at just $2/month for recordings only and $8/month to take part in our live shows.

We produce at least two shows a week, usually on Wednesday's and Sundays and they consist of a general news section, the GESARA NEWS and then the Q&A section where our live viewers can ask statements and have their say.

Our shows are usually 3-4 hours long, which can sound daunting at first. The reason is that we pack a lot of Intel, news and your opinions into our shows which are family friendly, informative and highly entertaining. We maintain a positive vibe throughout and have built up a big family of devoted truthers to our shows. If you are having difficulties finding people you can talk to about current affairs, join our family of like-minded people.

Nearly all our shows are indexed, so if you do not have time to watch a long show, you can quickly read through the index and watch the topics that interest you. To make this even easier, we now have a database of all our topics which you can search for online, and then click on the link to immediately see that topic. Try out our index, now!

The GESARA Show is one of the very few shows that lets you ask us your questions, and have your say in a friendly and positive way.

GESARA Show for Subscribers
GESARA Show Public Archives
Free Shows
Although taking part in the LIVE Show is primarily reserved for subscribers, we do occasionally have Free Shows where anyone can join the fun and take part in our live show.
Click on the button to find out when our next free show is available (usually on Sundays). Note: We are NOT currently offering Free Shows.

Why are Some Shows Not Available to the Public?
All our shows are paid for through subscriptions, ONLY. In order to keep the show independent and free of external influences, we do not have any sponsors or advertising on our shows. Many people compare our show with the Charlie Ward Insider Club (which we are not associated with) and their shows are ONLY released to their subscribers (with a few exceptions).

Throughout the history of the show, we have experimented with the best ways to increase the number of subscribers, and that has affected the public release of our shows.

As of the GESARA Talk Show 144, we only released some shows to the public and they were released for Subscribers only. As of show 174, we resumed releasing all shows to the public.

Subscribe to the GESARA Show
If you want to watch our shows regularly, then please just obtain a subscription on our forum website for a very low price. This includes email notification when released:

  • $ 2.00 USD / 1 month: Subscribe to Recorded Webinars ONLY (does not include access to live shows)
  • $10.00 USD / 1 month: Subscribe to Live and Recorded Webinars
  • $26.00 USD / 3 months: Subscribe to Live and Recorded Webinars
  • $52.00 USD / 6 months: Subscribe to Live and Recorded Webinars
  • $99.00 USD / 1 year: Subscribe to Live and Recorded Webinars

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