RV Tally Sheet, etc - The GESARA Show

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Revaluation Infos and Tools
By Peter Walker, The GESARA Talk Show
Released February 10, 2024, Updated October 3, 2024

Preparing for your Revaluation Appointment can be confusing, so on this page we are releasing files and Infos that can be helpful.

Iraqi Dinar Serial Numbers
  • The serial numbers on Iraqi Dinars use Arabic characters, that can be confusing.
  • The picture of the banknotes depicts the location on the serial numbers.
  • There is a letter above the line and numbers below the line. Looks like a fraction
  • These consist of letters and numbers, use the tables shown here to convert.
  • Click on the images to enlarge.
In this example, Serial Number: Z/122 9909902
Be careful not to confuse 2 and 3, as they look similar.

There are counterfeit 25000 notes in circulation. See the video below for details. Later versions also include a hologram next to the number 25000. The above image has that hologram.
English vs. Arabic Characters
This video shows how to determine if the Iraqi Dinar is authentic.
Later releases of the note also include a Hologram.
Example of a Counterfeit
25,000 Dinar Note from 2010.
RV Tally Sheet - Ver. 4e, September 25, 2024
How to use the RV Currency Tally Sheet, Version 4a-c
Currency Tally Spreadsheet Version 4e, released September 25, 2024

IMPORTANT: Older versions had errors, please update to Version 4e now.
(If you have already purchased version 4, use the link in the email to download the latest update.)

If you have any problems, please check the Frequently Asked Questions below the download links before contacting us.

This spreadsheet was adapted and improved by gesarashow.com from one originally released by Crypto Fred.
  • We have added the Exchange / Revaluation Rates table and linked it to the individual currency tables.
  • This allows you to quickly update the exchange/revaluation rates and see the results in each table.
  • We added the Hungarian Pengo bond, although no rate is known.
  • We added 10 user defined other currencies, so that you can easily use this for exotic currencies.
  • We corrected the names of each currency (previously all shown in $).
  • We have improved the print formatting for Letter and A4 printers.
  • We have also added a place to list each note with its serial number at the bottom of the table. Extended in Ver. 3a
  • Use the tables above to help convert Arabic serial numbers (Dinar) into normal numbers
  • We also provide additional documents that may be useful.
  • The latest version of this spreadsheet can always be found on this page: https://gesarashow.com/rv

Click on the buttons below to download the Excel Spreadsheet, and supporting documents, to your computer.

Obtain the latest exchange rates for the currencies you own and enter them in Table 1. e.g. if 1 Dinar is worth $3.22, enter 3.22 in field B13
Then go to the respective Table for each currency and enter the # quantity of each note. E.g. for Dinar in Table 10

If you have currencies not listed in Table 1, enter the Denomination Currency in Table 2, the exchange rate and the size of the note
Then enter the number of notes in Table 17.

Once everything has been entered correctly, you will find the values in Dollars, Pounds and Euros at the bottom.

We also recommend entering the serial number details of each note in the special table at the bottom.
While every effort was made to create and check this spreadsheet, we accept no liability for errors or miscalculations.
Use this spreadsheet entirely at your own risk. If you do find an error, please let us know.

The document has been formatted to print columns A-D correctly on Letter and A4 size paper.
Columns E-H contain these instructions and are NOT included in the printout.
Currency Serial Numbers have been moved to a separate tab.
From version 4c, a MedBeds tab has been added which you can use to nominate 8 people for early med-bed treatment.

Ordering Notes:
The Tally Sheet Version 4a and higher is available for download for $5, including all updates for a year (just download again using same link in the email)
During the ordering process, the final stage is where you actually pay via PayPal. The email with the download link is only sent after payment is completed.

Important: Your forum login will not work here, please register a new account. More details in the FAQ
You have already purchased Version 4a-d?
Use the link in the email to upgrade to Ver4e, free.
Frequently Asked Questions - Tally Sheets

Many of you will have a username and password for our forum at https://nesara-gesara-qfs.com and will then want to use those login credentials here on https://gesarashow.com to order the Tally Sheet.

Unfortunately, the forum and gesarashow.com use totally different login systems and your forum password will not work here.

Please register a new account here as well and you are welcome to use the same username and password, if you like.

If you have already registed an account on this website, you can use the lost password feature to have your login credentials sent to you.

1. Click on the button below and then on "I have lost my password"
Ignore the message "Your account has been correctly identified. Your access data will be sent to you." when you first click on the link.

2. Enter your email address and click on the button
An email will be sent to you with a button to reset your password.

3. Open the email and then on the button the reset your password.

4. Follow the instructions to reset your password.

Sometimes, people click on the order page, go back and then click on order again, thereby increasing the quantity on the order form.

This is easy to fix, click in the quantity field and lower the number by typing 1 or using the down arrow to lower it.

This can happen when the wrong country is set.

Make sure that your Country is displayed and then try entering your Zip/Postcode and phone number, again.

The Currency Tally Sheet has been designed to print out nicely on 4 pages. We recommend just ignoring the currencies you do not have. Deleting the unused currencies will mess up the printout and cause problems with formulars no longer working.

We highly advise you to not try to make such changes and we have locked the spreadsheet to prevent users accidentally changing vital cells.

If you are highly proficient at working with Excel and insist on making changes, you do so at your own risk and we cannot provide support if things no longer work. The password to unprotect the spreadsheet is found in the PDF Instruction sheet.

First of all, check your spam folder.

Otherwise, in nearly all cases, you made the order, yet at the last step, you did not actually pay by PayPal at the bottom of the screen.

An email was sent to you and that also includes a button to "Pay Now" (see below).

Once the payment has been made, a new email will be sent to you immediately with your personal download link. Download the zip file and extract it.

You can check the status of your order by clicking the button below.

Once you have completed your order and paid for it, an email is sent to you with the download link (see below),

Click on the link in the email and the file: Currency_Tally_Spreadsheet.zip will be downloaded to your computer.

Locate the downloaded file, open it and extract the two files:
Currency_Tally_Sheet_Instructions_4e.pdf - Instructions
Currency_Tally_Spreadsheet_V4e.xlsx - The Excel Spreadsheet

Read the PDF file first by clicking on the pdf file.
Then you can open the Spreedsheet and use it.
We recommend using Microsoft Excel for the spreadsheet, yet other compatible programs like Google Sheet should work as well.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you keep this email as you can use the same link to upgrade to any later versions for free.

Versions 1-3f:
There is no free upgrade, please purchase version 4 for a one-time fee of $5.

Versions 4a-4d:
When you completed your order, an email was sent to you with a download link. Please locate that email and click on the link again to download the latest version (free).

Version 4e:
You have the latest version, no need to upgrade.

If you cannot find the email sent to you with the download link, first check your spam folder.

Locate your order number (e.g. 240928-HW56) and then search all your emails for that number

If you still cannot find it, please use the contact form, quoting your order number, and we will resend the email to you.

If you are unable to locate your order number, quote your full name and email address you used.

When you click on the link, in the email, the file Currency_Tally_Spreadsheet.zip will be downloaded to your computer. This is a popular archive file format that can contain one or more files within it.

Please open this file and extract the two files within it to your computer. The example below applies to Windows computers and other systems work in a similar way.

Once extracted you will have the PDF instruction manual and the Excel compatible spreadsheet file.
Tally Sheet Version Log

Serial Numbers: Date format error corrected. Paid field added, MedBeds: Text formatting corrected, Nominee relationship defined, bug fixes

The download consists to a zip file containing two files:
Currency_Tally_Sheet_Instructions_4e.pdf - Instructions
Currency_Tally_Spreadsheet_V4e.xlsx - Excel Spreadsheet

V4a: Redesign and numerous corrections, expanded Bolivar section, Denominations ascending, New Totals section and more.
Currency rates corrected on August 27, 2024 yet will probably be different at the exchange - estimates only.

V4b: Corrects # of Notes errors in table 18, removes Pengo rate, minor text corrections.
All cells that should not be changed, have now been locked, to avoid accidental ruining of the formulas, etc.

V4c: Adds an additional worksheet you can use to nominate 8 people for med-bed treatments.

V4d: A number of bug fixes, formatting improvements and a new PDF Instruction Manual.

V4e: Serial Numbers: Date format error corrected. Paid field added, MedBeds: Text formatting corrected, Nominee relationship defined, bug fixes

v3a: In this version, we have completely updated the Exchange / Revaluation Rates table and linked it to the individual currency tables.
This allows you to quickly update the exchange/revaluation rates and see the results in each table.
Note that previous versions calculated this wrongly - do not use any versions below version 3
We corrected the names of each currency (previously all shown in $)
We have also added a place to list each note with its serial number at the bottom of the table.

v3b: Bug fixes to AGRO Cheques and Bolivar calculations. Total Of All Currencies & Total Value After Exchange did not include all currencies

v3c: Special AGRO Cheques name corrected, and expanded to include lower denominated cheques (50, 25 and 5 Billion).
500 Billion Bolivar note added. Corrected Thousand denominations to avoid confusion. Dinar denominations changed.
Currency Serial Numbers have been moved to a separate tab. Print Area has been adjusted accordingly.

v3d: Several Bolivar denominations were set as if they were millions, when they should have been thousands.
That is because the Spanish word for Thousand (Mil) was misinterpreted as million in the original spreadsheet v1.
The Digital Bolivar (VED) was introduced in 2021. If you have Bolivar, you need to update to this version or higher.
The order was also corrected from high to low, as used in the other currencies. Title added to top of Spreadsheet.

v3e: Minor correction to add the 50,000 and the 1000 Dong notes, on user request.
If you have 2000 or 5000 Dong notes, just increase the number of 1000 Dong notes, respectively.

v3f: Updated sample currency rates. Dinar at contract rate. Added additional currencies in Table 2 (removed fictitious currencies)

Our first updated version which contained a number of errors and used two columns that was difficult to print.

The original version from Crypto Fred
Preparing for your RV Appointment
By Peter Walker (with English Captions)

As we are expecting to RV very soon, possibly in June, we have put together a special program explaining how to prepare for the RV appointment. It is an excerpt from the GESARA Show #212.

0:00:00 Intro, RV to start soon?
0:02:18 How do you get your notifications? Switch off VPN
0:05:44 Do NOT go on spending spree…., keep quiet about this.
0:06:35 When will it start? Preparing for the appointment
0:09:36 Where to find our Tally Sheet and RV Infos
0:10:05 Preparations for your RV appointment in detail
0:40:00 Will Med-Beds be available right away? Urgent need?
0:45:02 What brand of chocolate do you need?
0:46:24 How do you switch off the VPN? https://myip.expert/
0:49:42 What is happening in Europe?
0:51:16 Q&A on Preparing
0:51:32 LjSchmidt: Tally Sheet Template, Do we need lawyer, CPA, Wealth Manager?
0:56:15 Take a good Smartphone for the QFS App
0:58:00 Differing advice from gurus. Diplomatic passport? Phone setup
1:02:01 Zim Bonds, confusing speculation on rates, etc.
1:05:09 Did Trump sign us into BRICS?
1:08:33 Kyrki: Tally Sheet and serial numbers.
1:13:34 Zim Project, transfer to others, add translation if not English
1:17:16 Med-Bed appointments for critical conditions. Faster treatment.
1:22:17 Do currencies have to be public on the Forex?
1:22:46 What is the GESARA Show?
1:28:30 End.

About your Appointment:
  • The redemption/exchange process is streamlined and will be easy and straightforward. The appointment will only be about 15-20 minutes. You will be in and out quickly.
  • The current understanding is there will be a “Safe Web Link” or 800# sent to those who purchased currency/bonds online with a registered dealer.
  • Emails should be coming from Wells Fargo, HSBC, Chase, Bank of America and possibly Fifth Third. Outside the USA, other banks could be involved. We have heard that Barclays and HSBC are involved, possibly others.
  • If you do not receive an email, the information will be posted on aggregating sites and/or with those who provide RV Intel like the GESARA Show
  • If you receive an email directly, you may forward it to anyone you gifted currency and/or bonds.
  • If you received as a gift, you may get the email forwarded to you.
  • Follow the instructions provided in the email.
  • You may be asked to verify who you are by answering questions based on publicly available information. This process is similar to when you apply online to open a bank account or a loan.
  • You may be required to electronically sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement). Read carefully so you understand what you are agreeing to. The NDA is to protect you. Print a copy for your records and for future reference. At the appointment, you will be signing a paper copy of the NDA.
  • You may be given an 800# or a unique 800# to schedule an appointment. The number may be to a specific location or you will be giving your Zip Code, to be directed to the closest location.
  • When you call you may be asked if you have Zim, Currency or both. This is because not all locations will be able to redeem Zim. NEVER say how much you have, and they cannot legally ask.
  • Remember that bonds (Zim) is redeemed, and Currency is exchanged.
  • You are free to redeem anywhere inside the United States. You are not required to exchange in your home state. It is recommended that if you live in a small town, that you go far enough from home, so you are not recognised. This is for your safety. There are no restrictions if you want to go to another state. You cannot go to another country to exchange. If you are a US citizen living abroad, check with place of exchange on what options you have available to you.
  • We get many enquiries as to if this is happening in "their" country. NESARA is for USA, GESARA for the globe. If you live on the globe, it is valid for you, too.

Additional things to ask for at your appointment:
  • A diplomatic Passport for you and your family (useful when you go on your travels)
  • A Med-Bed appointment
  • Who you can add to your NDA, to be able to speak to them about the RV
  • List of companies you are NOT allowed to do business with.

Something to Consider Doing Prior to Your Appointment:

Prior to making your call to schedule your appointment:
  • Make a list of any pertinent questions that you may have that you need answered.
  • Then go over the preparation you need for your appointment and presentation if you plan to have a Humanitarian Project.

Then using Wolverine's Guidelines posted on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, below:
  • Make a checklist to have on hand to anything you ask. Followed with their responses.
  • And continue with your checklist on what he's provided to do while you are at your appointment.
  • And finally get any information needed for your after RV needs & when & where to accomplish these things.
  • Get adequate rest the night before. Have a small meal prior to appointment. Be on time. No more than 10 minutes early. Have bottled water, and it's said to have a piece of chocolate afterwards. To calm your nerves, etc.
  • And realise the possibility that some things we've been told may change. Keep your composure and pay close attention. Breathe! Pray! You'll all do fine.
Wolverine's Guidelines
When you go to the REDEMPTION CENTRE for Your Appointment:

Make Sure You NEVER just hand over your Currencies or ZIM for EXCHANGE w/o asking the following questions first w/ someone from there as a WITNESS.
Write everything down and have the person asking and answering your questions print their name and initial or sign what you wrote down.

Here’s why:

When the security person asks for your currency and ZIM to verify it with the De la Rue Machine to determine if it is AUTHENTIC, DO NOT just hand it over. I REPEAT, DO NOT just hand it over. Do one Country and one denomination at-a-time. Ask them if by handing it over to them “ ARE YOU EXCHANGING IT?” Their answer should be NO.

This become MOST IMPORTANT when they are giving you the rates. You MUST make sure you have all your questions answered first before “handing-over” ANYTHING. Have you completed the Summary Sheet for each currency? Have you separated everything by Country and denomination and put in separate clear ZIP-LOCK Bags, ie., Dinar -$1,000, $5,000, $20,000 so you will have a post-it with  of each, then paperclip each stack. Put each in it’s own Zip Lock Bag then put Dinar Zip Lock Bags’s (3 in this Example) into 1 that Holds All three.

People that walk-in UNPREPARED
will be the 1st to “SPIN OUT” (their head will not think straight) and they will make HUGE MISTAKES. REMEMBER: They are not there to tell you what to do or fix what you haven’t done. You are on the CLOCK, so you must have your head on straight. Practice w/ a friend or Spouse, etc

ZIM STEP ARE EXTRA CRITICAL; Are you aware there could possibly be “LIMITS” on just how many ZIM you can EXCHANGE for FULL PAYOUT. Right, now, your head is on the edge of “SPINNING-OUT” because this is most likely the first time you’ve heard me or anyone else mention it. Now, QUICK! What is the Capital of Rhode Island?
Your answer should be, heck I don’t know. That was your one practice situation. And, so long as you can stay calm and breathe, why are you there? To “EXCHANGE” YOUR CURRENCIES AND ZIM.

Frequently Asked Questions - NESARA GESARA

1. Click on the link below to go to the forum's website.

2. If you are a member, click on "Login" and give your Username and Password. Click on "Remember me" to be automatically logged in on the same computer.

3. If you are not yet a member, click on "Register" and follow the instructions.

4. To prevent spammer registrations, we ask you to answer a question at the bottom, which can be one of two questions, we give you the answers below:

Give the name of the system that replaces SWIFT (3 letters): QFS

Give the global name of the Act that is associated with NESARA : GESARA

Once complete, an email will be sent to you in order to confirm your registration. Click on the link in that email and your account is ready. You can then login as described in point 2, above.

In order to join our Live GESARA Show (usually Wednesday and Saturday), and see all our recordings, you will need to subcribe to the show.

You first need to have an account and be logged in on our https://nesara-gesara-qfs.com forum.

Once logged in, click on "Subscriptions" at the top of the page (or use the button below).

Choose "Live and Recorded Webinars" in Dollars, Euros or Pounds as you prefer.

Once you have subscribed, you will be able to access all the files in the premium area, take part in our live shows and be first to watch the recordings.

NESARA is for the USA and GESARA is the version for the whole world (G stands for Global). so as long as you are living somewhere on the globe, it applies to you.

The same applies to the "Global Currency Reset", that is the change from worthless Fiat paper currency to asset-backed real money.

No, the QFS is secure and only you have access to it. Most trusts currently offered are under statute law and may become invalid when we switch to NESARA/GESARA. Only a trust under Common Law would be worth considering.

We have been clearly told that you do not need a trust at your RV appointment.

NO! There are a number of scammers telling you that you need to open some kind of QFS Ledger, Trust account, register for your appointment (for a fee), etc.

These are ALL SCAMS. You do not have to pay anyone in advance for any kind of QFS account, etc.

Your QFS Account details will be given to you at your appointment.

We have been told the process has now started and is being released from the top, down. That is major bond-holders in Tiers 1-3 are exchanging first and then notications will be sent successively to higher Tiers. We are in Tier 4b and the general public is in Tier 5. We have not been given any exact dates.

Latest Estimate is October 1, 2024

We have been told that for each 100 Trillion $Zim, a specific amount will be given to you for your personal use. You do not need to have a project and you can allocate your funds to a project of your chosing.
If you do have a project, you can obtain additional funds exclusively for use with your project. That also entitles you to nominate 8 people for early med-bed treatments (see below).

You can try taking it to a bank and asking them to check it for you. Otherwise, we have given some tips on this page for Dinar and ZIM. The best protection is to only buy from reputable dealers.

No, we are exchanging in private at contract rates, one of the reasons for the NDAs. Biden will be removed automatically (along with all world leaders) when NESARA/GESARA is released.

Until then, we need Biden in place to take responsibility for the fake WWIII scenario.

We do not know for sure, but the revaluation will most likely happen first for us and NESARA/GESARA will come with the public announcement of the GCR (e.g. Tier 5, we are Tier 4b).

Keep watching our Intel Channel on Telegram for the latest news on the RV. It is updated several times a day and is run by the GESARA Show.

If you purchaed any of the special currencies from one of the participating banks (Wells Fargo, Chase, HSBC, Barclays, etc.), it is possible they have your email address on file and will be informing you directly.

The GESARA Show will be informing all its registered members as soon as is possible.
Join our forum at https://nesara-gesara-qfs.com

Dinar Recaps is also putting out a newsletter and promises to send out the notifications, as well.

Have patience, there is no published list of redemption locations for security reasons. When you get your notifications, you will be given a phone number to call and/or a website to visit.

There you will be able to make your appointment, sign a simple NDA and then you will be given the nearest location for your appointment. The NDA will most likely state that you are not allowed to reveal the location to others.

We do know that some banks will be involved in the redemption process like Wells Fargo, Chase, HSBC and Barclays.

If you have been following the GESARA Show and/or other related channels and not ordered any of the special currencies, then you will indeed miss out of the RV. We have been telling you for years.

If you are fast, maybe you can still get some Dong or Dinar at an Exchange Bank.

Otherwise, you will have to wait until the public announcement of NESARA/GESARA where you should get some taxes back, etc.

RECLAMATION: is the act of returning something to a former, better state. Land reclamation might involve razing a strip mall and planting crops. Reclamation is the noun form of the verb to reclaim. Most people involved in reclamation want to reclaim something out of a sense of moral or environmental duty.

NESARA (National Economic Stabilization And Reformation Act) in the US payout portion is already mirrored onto your QFS Account, shown at the Redemption Centre’s. It’s intended to restore what the Evil Cabal, Deep State and Khazarian Mafia Stole, Elites, corrupt Federal Reserve, Banksters, SEC and Wall Street stole from us and everyone in our lineage, not here today.

Who’s Eligible?
U.S. Citizen’s 24 to 61+ Years Old as follows:

Group 1: 61+ years, LUMPSUM ~up to $61M*
Group 2: 45-60 years, LUMPSUM ~up to $38M*
Group 3: 24-44 years, LUMPSUM ~up to $23M*
* Values calculated based on 1994 meeting w/ Dan Rostenkowski.

RESTITUITON/REPARATION: is the act of giving back something that has been lost or stolen. In law, the act of compensating for loss or injury by reverting as far as possible to the position before such injury occurred. REPARATION: the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.
This would account for all the unconstitutional acts committed upon humanity; income taxes, interest, mortgages, credit cards, loans, property taxes, converting us to CHATTEL with various types of bonds taken out on us from; birth certificate, social security cards, marriage, divorce, college and advanced degree and professional designations.

Who’s Eligible? Payouts (30-60+ Yrs Old) Groups 2-3: Monthly:
GROUP 1: 60+ years, 0-3 MONTHS*
GROUP 2: 49-59 years, 12 MONTHS*
GROUP 3: 30-49 years, 15 YEARS*
* subject to change

We are expecting similar systems in other countries to be implemented under GESARA.

Yes, mortgages and bank loans will be cleared when the world switches to asset-backed money.

You will still be liable for any private loans you have with family, friends, etc.

We only support English and German. Click on the button below to see the German version of this website.
All our recent shows have captions in English and German.

Our discussion forum has a Google Translation tool to translate what is written there into other languages. Click on the Forum button above.

Sorry, we do not speak any other languages. Most browsers offer a feature to translate websites into other languages. We highly recommend using https://www.deepl.com/translator as they have by far the best translation system.
Med Beds
Frequently Asked Questions - Med Beds!

NO, everything is free.
No Registration Fee
No Hotel Fees
No Treatment Fee, etc.

Anybody asking for money is a scammer, that cannot deliver on their promises.

The MED BED technology will be made available to the public completely FREE OF CHARGE, so DO NOT TRUST the companies that are currently asking for money and claiming to have them available right away, those technologies that are being marketed can be very advanced and good BUT THEY ARE NOT THE MED BEDS that are exclusively managed by the Light Forces and the military and this will be the case when they are made available to the public, everything will be managed, planned and coordinated by them and they will organize the infrastructure and deployment throughout the WORLD and I repeat they will be FREE.

👉AGE REGRESSION (up to 30 years)

Med Beds 5D offer a path to optimal health by correcting a patient’s medical problems, restoring their body to its peak condition.

New Organ Growth: These remarkable beds can facilitate the growth of new organs, providing hope to those in need of transplants.

New Bones and Healing: For individuals with dentures, Med Beds 5D dissolve dentures and promote beneficial healing processes.

Surgery: Med Beds 5D perform surgery with astonishing efficiency, ensuring rapid recovery. Imagine a baseball pitcher undergoing surgery and returning to the field in record time.

VAX Damage: These beds can reverse the damage caused by vaccinations, prioritizing those with natural injuries.

Heart Patients: Med Beds 5D cater to various heart problems, offering hope to heart patients worldwide.

Addiction: Yes, addiction can be cured through the innovative treatment methods provided by Med Beds 5D, though the root causes are yet to be fully understood.

Surgical Residue Removal: Any leftover surgical residue can be surgically dissolved and repaired, restoring the body to its pre-problematic state.

Chemotherapy: Med Beds 5D not only heal the damage caused by chemotherapy but also restore overall health and eliminate unnatural growth states.

Allergies: Bid farewell to allergies as Med Beds 5D work their magic in eliminating them.

Dentistry: Can renew teeth and make necessary adjustments.

Weight Management: Achieve your ideal weight with the help of Med Beds 5D.

Vision and Hearing: Restore your vision and hearing with these innovative medical marvels, even correcting lens blindness.

Scar Healing: Say goodbye to scars as Med Beds 5D promote their healing and disappearance.

Schizophrenia: Mental health issues, including schizophrenia, can be effectively addressed through the healing capabilities of Med Beds 5D.

Autism: Children with autism can find healing and support through this groundbreaking technology.

Orthopedic Solutions: Med Beds 5D address orthopedic issues, offering changes and corrections as needed.

Depression: While not an instant cure, Med Beds 5D can help individuals struggling with depression by providing a positive pathway to healing.

Personal Growth: Med Beds 5D can enhance a person’s compassion, intelligence, and more. Additional languages can also be learned, though it’s essential to have a purpose for such updates.

Optimal Health: The ultimate goal of Med Beds 5D is to restore the body to optimal health, ensuring individuals can live their best lives.

Age Reversal: While not guaranteed for everyone, Med Beds 5D can potentially reverse the aging process, allowing individuals to experience the best health possible for their age.

This is a closely guarded secret. We are told that you should not need to travel more than 50 ,iles, unles you are in a very remote location.
It is rumoured that they are being setup in dissused hospitals and clinics and even in closed down Walmarts.

You will be given the location of your local med bed center you book your appointment.

After the RV, they will first be made available to those with Humanitarian Projects. They can nominate 8 people (a form for such nominations is included in our Tally Sheet.

Three key types of Med Beds are coming:

The Diagnostic and Treatment Bed: It will scan your body in seconds, identify diseases, and treat them instantly. No more waiting for tests or ineffective treatments.

The Regeneration Bed: It will grow back missing limbs, regenerate tissues, and restore you to optimal health.

The Rejuvenation Bed: Experience age reversal and memory cleansing—allowing you to reclaim your mind and body from years of deception.

Skye Prince recently announced that we will be given a QPhone and a Replicator at our Med-Bed appointment

Humanitarians will be receiving early treatments as they are necessary to start rebuilding the world.

Those receiving treatments before the public announcement will be required to sign an NDA. If noticable changes are made to your body (de-aging, restoring limbs, etc.), you will be required to immediately go on vacation and stay away from anyone that knows you until the public announcement.
Special shows to help prepare for your RV meeting
Good luck at your appointment, and remember to abide fully to your NDA agreement.

Peter Walker, host of the GESARA Show.

Note: Provided for information purposes only. We accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Use at your own risk.
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