Getting Started - The GESARA Show

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Infos > Learn > GCR
GCR - Global Currency Reset
  • We will never go back to the old currency system
  • No more printing money out of the blue
  • All existing fiat money is being replaced
  • The Central Bank system will no longer be owned by the Federal Reserve
  • The Cabal department’s entire former slavery financial system is dead!
  • No more paper notes (fiat)
  • No more SWIFT
  • No more monetary slavery!

As we exchange our old Fiat coins for the new gold-backed coins, we are actually exchanging the entire old Cabal Debt Slavery Financial System for a new Financial System supported by QFS Gold.

Gold/Precious Metals and Nesara/Gesara.

Two different factors for the GCR event:

  • Factor 1: The RV (the revaluation of world currencies)

  • Factor 2: The Quantum Financial System

In order for rainbow coins, bonds or ISO20022 assets to start moving in value, physical precious metals must first undergo a reassessment!

Once the new assessment is defined, the weight of compliance with Basel III + Bretton Woods 3 will bring legitimacy to everything else, triggering ISO20022 regulation.
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